Local Information
Smoo Cave Tours http://smoocavetours.weebly.com
Fraser Eadie Tel. 01971 511492
Visit Cape Wrath http://visitcapewrath.com
Guided minibus tours to Cape Wrath Lighthouse.
Cape Wrath (Passenger) Ferry https://capewrathferry.wordpress.com
Call for updated ferry times and info - 01971 511246 or 07719 678729
Balnakeil Craft Village https://balnakeil.wordpress.com/balnakeil-craft-village
The most North Westerly community on mainland Britain is to be found in a disused military camp, now home to a variety of artists and crafts people who have settled here since the early 1970’s.
Lotte Glob https://lotteglob792300328.wordpress.com
The renown Ceramic Artist has her studio, gallery and sculpture croft in nearby Laid. Originally from Denmark, Lotte was one of the first crafts persons to set up in Balnakeil Craft Village, in the early 1970’s.
Cairn House Gallery https://kevinarrowsmith.com/index.html
Kevin Arrowsmith, landscape and mountaineering photographer, has his gallery next-door-but-one to us. Several of his beautiful images hang in our guest lounge and dining room.
Cocoa Mountain http://www.cocoamountain.co.uk
Based in Balnakeil Craft Village, two miles away, Paul & James run probably the most geographically remote chocolate producer in Europe, specialising in handmade chocolates and truffles using finest ingredients.
Durness Golf Club http://www.durnessgolfclub.org
Nine-hole course with its own Club House.
Club Secretary: Lucy Mackay Tel: 01971 511364, or Email: lucy@durnessgolfclub.org
Highland Charcuterie and Smoke House Ltd https://www.facebook.com/highlandcharcuterie
Highland Charcuterie and Smoke House are a multi award winning family business based in Oldshoremore. They produce Salamis, Smoked meats and Smoked Cheese, as well as, Patés using local Wild Venison and local free range pork.
142 Oldshoremore, Kinlochbervie, Sutherland, IV27 4RS.
Durness.org http://durness.wixsite.com/durnessnew
A website dedicated to local information, history, archives, tourism and the environment.
ROX https://www.rox.co.uk/magazine/rox-loves/romantic-places-north-coast-500
Smoo Lodge is highlighted as a romantic proposal hotspot, in an interactive guide to taking a luxury break on the North Coast 500 route, published by ROX, the luxury engagement and wedding ring specialist. Take a look at the Rox map to plan you romantic NC500 getaway.
Alba Game Fishing https://www.albagamefishing.com
Luxury fishing experiences in Scotland organised by Stewart Collingwood, Tel. 07734 810706
Handa Island https://scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk/reserve/handa-island
Famous for its wonderful seabird colonies and always a joy to visit, the reserve is managed by the Scottish Wildlife Trust. Accessible by ferry (not on Sundays).
Handa Ferry http://handa-ferry.com
Operated by Roger Tebay - info@handa-ferry.com or Mob: 07780 967800
North West Highlands Geopark https://www.nwhgeopark.com
The UNESCO endorsed North West Highlands Geopark contains geology and a landscape of world-class quality, significance and importance.
Lazy Bed & Bat Box cabins http://www.lazybedcabin-lochinver.co.uk
Two wonderfully secluded self-catering ‘eco’ cabins, situated in Inverkirkaig, near Lochinver in Assynt.
Liquid Footprints https://www.liquidfootprints.com
Mountain guiding and adventure experiences, including sea kayaking, canoeing, gorge scrambling & snow holing.
Plastic@Bay https://www.plasticatbay.org
A local charity working, with community involvement, to clean up the plastic from the local seashore, as well as undertaking research, recycling & educational activities.
John Muir Trust https://www.johnmuirtrust.org
A conservation charity dedicated to protecting and enhancing wild places in the UK. They own and manage Sandwood Bay and Quinag in Assynt.

Local Events
Balnakeil Craft Village Christmas Open Day - December 2021 TBC
Take part in some fun activities and have a browse for some special Christmas gifts.
Hogmanay - 31st December 2021 to 2nd/3rd January 2022
Please be aware that many businesses close for two or three days following the traditional Hogmanay celebrations that see in the new year.
Marty MacKay Memorial Cycle, April 2021 - Cancelled
Sponsored cycling, walking and auction to raise funds for local charities, held in memory of Marty MacKay.
Cape Wrath Challenge, May 2021 - Cancelled
A week of running events that culminates with the Marathon race to and from Cape Wrath Lighthouse.
Durness Highland Gathering, July 2021 - Cancelled
The event begins at 12 noon with the chosen Chieftain for the day meeting the members of the pipe band before marching on to the Games Field to declare the games open.
Sheep Dog Trials, September 2021 - TBC
The venue for the trials is Keoldale Farm by the Kyle of Durness
Durness Highland Halloween Festival, October 2021 - TBC
A week of spooky goings on around Durness, for youngsters and adults alike, featuring performance, story-telling, haunted house, movie and concerts and a dance.
Durness Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes, November 2021 - TBC
A huge bonfire, fireworks display and hot food and drinks.